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For Immediate Release – September 26, 2024

                 Contact: Linda Paine, EIPCa President  (661) 313-5251

California Cannot Provide an Accurate List of Who Voted in Nov 2022.
What are the Implications for Nov 2024?


Nonpartisan watchdog group finds legally required list of voters exceeds official
 results by more than 22,210 voters and 43,000 votes.


Santa Clarita, Calif. – A review of the official list of voters and number of votes cast in the CA November 8, 2022 election reveals 43,624 more votes and over 22,000 more voters than the numbers certified by the CA Secretary of State, calling into question the validity of the certification of the 2022 election.


Is this a harbinger of things to come in 2024?


On June 28, 2024 Election Integrity Project®California (EIPCa)( obtained from the office of the Secretary of State a list of who voted in California’s November 8, 2022 general election. California’s Election Code §2191 provides qualified groups the right to obtain from elections officials a list of each person who voted in previous elections.


The list contained each voter’s name, address, birthdate, state Registration ID number, voting method and current registration status (active, inactive, pending, cancelled, etc.) Each Registration ID number in VoteCal is unique, and not duplicated.


The list should have been an exact match to the list California certified on December 16, 2022.

It was not!


Eligible voters in California should be infuriated!


EIPCa sent a letter with the findings listed by county and the method of voting to the Secretary of State on September 6, requesting a timely response to several questions, but has not yet received a response.


EIPCa analyzed the Secretary’s list and found:

  • The number of statewide November 8, 2022 votes provided in the list is 43,624 more votes than certified by the Secretary.
  • 21,355 voters had two or three votes credited to their respective Registration ID numbers.
  • If these multi-votes are removed, there were still 22,210 more voters listed than number of votes certified.
  • Analyzing the list by county…
    • Only one county (Modoc) matched the certified county-level results.
    • 32 counties had more votes than certified. Los Angeles County had the bulk of the list’s excess votes and multi-voting.
    • 25 counties had fewer votes than the number certified. It is unclear who cast the “missing” certified votes, as the list contains all who voted in the election even if they were subsequently inactivated or cancelled.


“Election results produced through any process that bends or breaks the “rules” deny all legal voters their voice.” (In re Coy) 127 U.S. 731 (1888)


“EIPCa calls for Secretary of State Weber to perform a full and final reconciliation of the votes counted compared to eligible voters who voted and to develop a ‘who voted’ list as mandated by EC §2191 prior to certification of each future election, starting with the November, 2024 Presidential election.” said EIPCa President Linda Paine.


#  #  #

Election Integrity Project®California (EIPCa) is a nonpartisan nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity.

Contributions are tax-deductible.

pdf of article 


How to Make Legislative Impact NOW


It isn’t often that an election bill comes to our attention that would actually make a positive difference in California elections. AB 25: The California Voter ID and Election Integrity Act of 2025 is one of those bills. Authored by Assemblyman Carl DeMaio (R—San Diego) and Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R - Riverside), the bill would, among other things:


  • REQUIRE documentation of citizenship with the affidavit of registration. 


“Without such documentation, a person shall not be registered to vote.” No more “check the box under penalty of perjury” on the affidavit of registration as the only verification of eligibility.


  • REQUIRE the State Auditor to periodically review a random sample of a county’s roster to identify persons who are not qualified electors in that county for the next statewide election.


  • REQUIRE vote by mail envelopes to include an additional form of identification: the last four digits of the voter’s valid government-issued form of identification. 


    These numbers must match the voter’s valid government-issued identification used at registration before the ballot can be counted.


  • REQUIRE the State Auditor to audit county elections officials by reviewing random samples of the signature comparisons to determine whether the decisions by signature verifiers comply with the state requirements.


The unfortunate truth is that many “good bills” die a silent death in committee without even a single vote being cast.


This happens when the Committee Chair simply refuses to place the bill on the Committee’s agenda for discussion and a vote. That amount of power in the hands of one individual is unconscionable.


The security of California’s elections is far too important

for this to happen to AB 25.


We the People, en masse, must impress upon the Election Committee members, especially the Chair, Gail Pellerin, that Californians want secure elections and we want this bill placed on the agenda in the Assembly Elections Committee.


There are several ways to accomplish this.


  1. Everyone can call the Elections Committee Office at 916-319-2094. Your Message: “Californians want secure elections and we want this bill placed on the agenda in the Assembly Elections Committee ASAP.”


  2. If an Assembly Elections Committee member, especially the Chair, represents your Assembly District, YOU are the most important person in this effort.


    As a constituent, your voice has the most impact on YOUR representative.  As a constituent, your representative pays more attention to your opinion because he or she wants your vote in the next election.


The most effective way to contact your representative is

through Constituent Email or a live phone call.


Check your district numbers and representatives here: .


If your representative is NOT on the list below, PLEASE complete step #1 above. Then begin to contact your own representative and request support for AB 25 throughout the committee process and when the bill comes up for a full Assembly floor vote.


If your representative IS on the list below, call BOTH the Capitol and District Office, and send a constituent email.  That will TRIPLE your voice.


Members of the Assembly Elections Committee


Santa Clara Co

Constituent Email link

Contact Assembly Member Gail Pellerin



Capitol Phone

(916) 319-2028

District Office Phone


Dist. 33


Constituent Email link

Contact Assembly Member Alexandra M. Macedo


Capitol Phone

(916) 319-2033

District Office Phone


Dist. 38

N. LA, East Ventura

Constituent Email link

Contact Assembly Member Steve Bennett


Capitol Phone

(916) 319-2038

District Office Phone



Santa Clara Co.

Constituent Email link

Contact Assembly Member Marc Berman


Capitol Phone

(916) 319-2023

District Office Phone


Dist. 62

LA, Inglewood

Constituent Email link

Contact Assembly Member José Luis Solache Jr.


Capitol Phone

(916) 319-2062

District Office Phone


Dist. 19

San Francisco, San Mateo


Constituent Email link

Contact Assembly Member Catherine Stefani


Capitol Phone

(916) 319-2019

District Office Phone


Dist. 8

Fresno, Tuolumne, Madera, Mono, Mariposa


Constituent Email link

Contact Assembly Member David J. Tangipa

Capitol Phone

(916) 319-2008

District Office Phone



[Click here to read more]




One very popular theory explains the “Star of Bethlehem” as an unexpected convergence of celestial bodies that itself converged with the most consequential event in the history of humankind. Its appearance ushered in a new era, which continues to this very day.


As a final punctuation to rare convergences of 2024, Christmas and the first day of Hanukkah both fell on the same day, which has not occurred for four decades. There is value in taking time to appreciate what is rare.


[Click here to read more]



EIPCa Voter Roll Research
Questions Surround Irregularities in California’s 2020 Election

Nonpartisan watchdog seeks answers on over 2 million documented registration and voting anomalies.

Santa Clarita, California (June 22, 2021)Click here to download copy of press release-- California’s November 3, 2020 election was marred by significant voting and registration irregularities, according to Election Integrity Project® California, Inc. (EIPCa). The non-partisan organization analyzed the state’s official voter list of February 9, 2021 and reported its findings to California’s Secretary of State Shirley Weber on June 17, 2021. This followed EIPCa reports of 2020 cross-state voting on April 30 and May 18, 2021 that the Secretary has ignored. EIPCa’s June report cites California’s election code that requires officials to provide timely answers to citizens’ questions.

EIPCa seeks answers to the following questions, on behalf of California voters:

  1. Why are there almost 124,000 more votes counted in California’s November 3, 2020 election than voters recorded as voting in that election? And why is most of the discrepancy driven by 116,000 vote-by-mail ballots with no apparent voter identified in VoteCal’s voting histories? Click for a list by county.
  2. Why do more than 7,700 voters have TWO November 3, 2020 votes credited to their voting histories? These are two votes credited to each of 7,700 unique (non-duplicated) registration ID numbers in the state database. This indicates mass double voting, a significant programming error in the state’s registration system, or both.
  3. Why does California have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible citizens and why did this overage rise 72% in the 2020 election cycle? Click for a list by county.

VoteCal Database Date # Counties with Registrations Exceeding # Eligible Citizens Total Ineligible Registrations
March 2020 11 1,063,957
February 2021 23 1,834,789 (+72% since 3/20)
  1. Why did California’s on-line and DMV registration systems change 33,000 foreign-born voters’ birthplaces of record to “California” or “United States”, potentially masking non-citizens unlawfully registered to vote? Similarly, why were 76,000 birthplaces changed from another U.S. state to California? Click for a chart of birthplace changes.

“Many in the nation are questioning the validity of the 2020 general election in their states”, said EIPCa President Linda Paine. “Mass irregularities in California’s registration and voting numbers continue to erode voter confidence here and we are hopeful Secretary Weber will immediately address our questions.”


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Election Integrity Project California, Inc, 27943 Seco Canyon Road #521, Santa Clarita , California, 91350, United States
EIPCa with its State LLCs are 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt, Nonpartisan Public Benefit Organizations. Donations are Tax Deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

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