California and the Laws that Divide Part 9 – Consent of the Governed
In the American Constitutional Representative Republic, those given the inestimable honor of being elected to office have the absolute duty to rule by the “consent of the governed.”
That “consent” is generally provided at the ballot box. There is nothing more sacred to people who wish to remain free than to be able to make their wishes known through elections that are fair, honest, transparent and valid.
If the election process cannot be described by the previous adjectives, citizens may be marking ballots, but they are not truly voting.
The right to vote is to have one’s voice heard equally among all qualified citizens who vote, which means not only marking a ballot but having that ballot accurately counted.
Which begs the question: Is it by the consent of the governed that California legislators and governors have adopted policies by which California now ranks as the
- 45th worst state for violent crime rate
- 42nd worst state for property crime rate
- 45th worst state for hospital quality
- 46th worst state for infrastructure issues
- 50th worst state for tax burden?
It is unconscionable to believe that the people of California have in any way consented to the type of governmental decisions that have produced such abysmal results.
Clearly, California is NOT governed by the consent of “We the People”.
Legislators over the last 25 years, with the support of the governors’ signatures, have slowly eroded the electoral process in the state so that elections are manipulatable and out of the control of the people. Such a condition allows “elected” officials to act as they wish, without consequence, to solidify their own power and supremacy.
And what about those legislators, few as they may be, who still occasionally attempt to represent their constituents honorably and faithfully?
Last week, Assembly majority leaders cut off the microphones of fellow Assembly members when they made a simple motion on the Assembly floor to force a vote on a bill that would allow state law enforcement to cooperate with border patrol to deport any illegal immigrants who are found guilty as child predators.
The majority of Californians would never consent to that act of incivility, nor to the philosophy being protected by the action.
Following that action, the Assembly Speaker announced complete authority to determine which members of the opposing party would be assigned to which committees and then removed the Member who made the motion on the child predator bill from the Judiciary Committee as a punishment!
Because of years of reckless spending by those completely ignoring the will of the people, California is now in dire financial straits.
Their plan to extricate the state from its situation includes
- Raising taxes on businesses by $18 billion
- Spending $5 billion on FREE healthcare for illegal immigrants
- Cutting $250 million for preschoolers with disabilities to fund electric school busses
- Removing $500 million from our kids’ schools
- Funding the multi-billion-dollar High-Speed Rail disaster
- Raising the gas tax to reach almost $2 extra per gallon of gas
The California Public Utilities Commission just approved a new flat charge of $24.15 per month in addition to the usage rate on every electricity bill for SDG&E, PG&E, and SCE customers.
Surely this is not the will of the financially beleaguered Californians
and certainly nothing they consented to.
Recently Californians have qualified an initiative for the November ballot, daring to use the process of direct democracy to reign in a portion of this legislative tyranny. The California leaders have responded by designing a 2-pronged plan to foil the will of the people.
- First, they solicited the courts to remove the legally-qualified initiative from the ballot.
- In case that attempt fails, they have proposed several bills with desirable contents, each containing the provision that if the people’s initiative passes, the bills and their provisions will immediately sunset.
In other words, the legislature will punish the people for expressing their will and for the very act of self-governance.
Nothing about the current situation in California
fits the definition of “Republic.”
This is why Election Integrity Project®California (EIPCa) continues to pursue its federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the laws that have kept the people’s will from dominating at the ballot box.
Thomas Paine aptly reminded the Founders, and all of us - their political posterity - that “the right of voting for representatives is the primary right by which other rights are protected.”
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black wrote in 1964, “No right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which, as good citizens, we must live. Other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.”
EIPCa is dedicated to stopping and reversing the legislative undermining of that precious right in California.
Join us in fighting these California laws that
- divide us from the Constitution,
- divide us from our rights,
- divide us from common sense,
- divide us from our money,
- and divide us from each other.
Please continue to support EIPCa as the lawsuit progresses.

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EIPCa is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax deductible. California and the Laws that Divide
Part 9 – Consent of the Governed
©Election Integrity Project®California, Inc. copyrighted 2024