EIPCa Legislative Alert
SB 1174


Beginning with good news: AB 2050, the second attempt to ally California to the disastrous and highly partisan Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), is now languishing in the Appropriations Committee suspense file for the second time.


One of EIPCa’s objections to the bill was the cost to the State, which is facing a $70+ billion deficit. For now, the Appropriations Committee agrees.


California citizens will still need to keep a close watch for yet another resurgence.


The next Clear and Present Danger is Senate Bill (SB) 1174, which will be up for a floor vote in the State Senate very soon.


Please read EIPCa’s letter of opposition and then contact your State Senator by email or phone to express how your Senator can best represent your desires when voting.


Then be prepared to reach out to your Assembly representative as the bill begins its journey through the Assembly Committee and floor vote process. (EIPCa will keep you posted.)


SB 1174 was proposed in response to the action of the people of Huntington Beach, who voted in the last election to require voter ID for their local elections.


The bill would deny the people of that Charter City, and every other municipality in the state, the right to self-govern in the way they wish by forbidding the requirement of ID for any election at any level in the state.


EIPCa believes the law to be government over-reach and another attempt to allow the State to bully the California citizens at the local government level.


Please raise your voice for self-governance

by contacting your State Senator today.


To find out who your representatives are, go to https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/.

Please continue to support EIPCa as the lawsuit progresses.

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EIPCa is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax deductible.
Legislative Alert SB 1174    
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