Another Day Tilting At Windmills at the Capitol
Our California legislators profess to encourage citizen participation in our “democracy.”
Let us digress long enough to point out that this oft-repeated statement shows their ignorance.
The USA is NOT a democracy but a Republic, a form of government based on citizen self-governance requiring actual citizen involvement with the representatives chosen by the citizens.
Every state is constitutionally mandated to provide its citizens with a republican form of government. ~ Article IV Section 4
Nevertheless, the sentiment is a good one. We the People ARE the government, and it is our responsibility to Keep the Republic by working with and maintaining control over our elected representatives.
Their words say they understand that…but….
Sadly, the actions of the legislators show a certain hypocrisy in contrast to their words. When citizens actually attempt to partner with their representatives during the bill-passing process, the legislators show their true colors.
As proposed bills go through the process of becoming laws, they must first receive the majority vote of the members of several committees. The public is “encouraged” to submit any comments to the Committee through a web portal.
Organizations like EIPCa, along with energized citizens, spend many precious hours to pour their heart and soul into position letters, believing, or at least hoping, they will be accepted as a significant part of the discussion.
However, one only need to watch, call in or attend one meeting
to be in serious doubt as to whether the Committee members
ever actually read any position letter submitted.
During each hearing, up to two members of the public who are physically in the committee room are allowed only two minutes (strictly timed) to present their position on chosen bills.
Then the Committee “generously” allows the rest of the public to voice their support or opposition to the relevant bill in person or via phone. …..that is, except for the Committees that do not allow call-in participation!
The discretion is theirs, and the public has no choice in the matter.
Members of the public are limited to stating name, location, affiliation and whether they support or oppose the bill.
Those who attempt to say more are “politely” cut off.
Not satisfying for anyone!
As a Republic, citizens MUST continue to do what we can to send the message that we are here and as our representatives, we expect them to listen. We are not going away!
During those public comment times, members of the Committee generally check their cell phones, roll their eyes, chat among themselves, and then vote (almost always along party lines) with complete disregard to the prevailing public sentiment.
The only logical conclusion for this dismissive behavior is that they do NOT respect the will of the people because they know we cannot remove them from office until we restore integrity to the election process.
Here is a recent illustration of their indifference to and basic dismissal of We the People.
- On Monday, May 8, 2023 three very significant Constitutional Amendments were scheduled for their first hearing before the Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee at 9:30 a.m.
- Election Integrity Project®California had submitted position letters.
- Three volunteers drove an hour from their homes to the Capitol just to make their two-minute position presentations in person.
They arrived at the hearing room early, but no one was there - no one.
They called the Committee office and were told, “Oh, the hearing was rescheduled until sometime after the Senate floor meeting this afternoon, probably around 3:30.”
- Our volunteers, not having the time to wait around until a vague and very late afternoon time, were forced to returned home.
- They called in at 3:30 to voice their position via phone, and listened to silence on the line until 4:15 when the hearing was finally called to order.
- They did not get their two-minute opportunity to speak since they were no longer present, and were limited to the restrictions of a caller: name, city, affiliation, yea/nay.
- No information regarding the hearing was posted online until mid-afternoon even though people were expecting a 9:30 a.m. hearing, resulting in people who planned to participate by phone having no information to go on.
- Those few callers who persisted in checking finally did get the information and phoned in. Many later complained that they were left in listen-only mode and never given an opportunity to weigh in at all.
It is easy to conclude that our voices do NOT MATTER to our legislators!
They profess to value “democracy,” but it is clear they do their best to avoid the inconvenience of a republican form of government that requires listening to We the People.
We all need to AMPLIFY OUR VOICE with our legislators.
At this point, frequent phone calls, emails
and in-office visits to our representatives are VITAL.
Those elected to represent the people must be made to listen to the people, whether they like it or not.
- When you are in their office face to face, or when they are deluged by emails and phone calls, history shows they actually DO listen…because it is unavoidable!
- It is important to learn that you can influence those who are diametrically opposed to your point of view and it is worth it to try even though you think they won’t listen.
EIPCa’s legislative oversight team will continue to follow proposed legislation, submit position papers, send alerts to the citizens of California and show up to Committee hearings to be heard.
Your emails, phone calls and visits will show legislators that you are paying attention and are ready to hold them accountable.
That’s a foot in the door to true self-governance and the restoration of the balance of power necessary in a true Republic.
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EIPCa is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax deductible.

Election Integrity Project®California is a nonprofit public benefit organization
EIPCa is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax deductible. Another Day Tilting at the Capitol
©Election Integrity Project®California, Inc. copyrighted 2023