Election Integrity Project®California(EIPCa)
Clears Up Some Confusion
The recent press release by Judicial Watch has created some unintended confusion. Election Integrity Project®California (EIPCa) would like to clear up the confusion.
Judicial Watch reported an update regarding the 2019 settlement of a lawsuit they prosecuted against California Secretary of State Alex Padilla and Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters Dean Logan, in which Election Integrity Project®California was the main plaintiff. In fact, all evidence presented in the successful lawsuit was provided by EIPCa’s Data Analysis Group.
According to the terms of the settlement, L.A. County was obligated to provide EIPCa, through its attorneys at Judicial Watch, evidence of its continuing compliance with the terms of the settlement to maintain their voter rolls according to the National Voter Registration Act mandates.
Judicial Watch’s press release was a report on the latest update from Los Angeles County, not a new lawsuit.
In 2017 EIPCa issued two press releases (see below) regarding two separate Findings Reports submitted to the CA Secretary of State reflecting the deplorable condition of California’s voter rolls and its complete defiance of federal law with respect to voter roll maintenance.
The attorneys at Judicial Watch contacted EIPCa regarding the reports reflected in the press releases, eventually offering to prosecute the case on our behalf. The suit was filed in April, 2017, and settled in January, 2019..
According to the terms of the Settlement Agreement, Los Angeles County agreed to remove from the inactive voter list those meeting the federal requirements, approximately 1.6 million in number.
Los Angeles County agreed to initiate the federally mandated process of sending inquiries to voters on the active list whose voting inactivity indicated the possibility that they had moved or become deceased. LA County also agreed to continue to move those who are non-responsive to the inactive list.
Los Angeles County agreed to comply with the federal process
to cancel all unresponsive registrations when appropriate
according to the NVRA Section 8 guidelines!
The terms of the Settlement Agreement address an issue with the CA Secretary of State. It required Mr. Padilla to update the manual used to instruct all California Registrars in the proper voter roll maintenance procedures (which he did), and to monitor compliance, which we hope SOS Weber is doing.
EIPCa is currently prosecuting two different active lawsuits,
both with the legal support of Advocates for Faith and Freedom. -
EIPCa v Lunn (Ventura County) regarding violation of Observer Rights which is in CA State court.
- EIPCa et al. v. Weber, et al - filed “Second Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief”
- The Second Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief as a result of California’s unconstitutional Election Laws and Emergency Regulations.
- EIPCa’s 12 years of research indicates that California’s election laws, regulations, policies and procedures have weakened or removed integrity from the election process.
- On November 21, 2022 the Ninth Circuit ruled that Election Integrity Project®California has standing to pursue our lawsuit.
That decision remanded the lawsuit back to the lower federal court for discovery, which is the next phase of the litigation.
Attachments: -
Settlement Agreement
- EIP/EIPCa Press Release – California Appears to Invite Voter Fraud_6.13.2017
- EIP/EIPCa Press Release – The Big Dirty Secret of CA Voter Rolls_unmaintained rolls_careless laws_6.22.2017
- The Big Dirty Secret…. “copy of VoteCal registrations by county v SOS eligible for publication”
download pdf of article https://www.eip-ca.com/articles/EIPCa_Clears_Up_Some_Confusion_2272023.pdf
EIPCa is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax deductible. Election Integrity Project®California Clears Up Some Confusion
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