Vote Safe and a Little More in 2024



We have all heard the words: “Civic Duty,” “Civic Responsibility,” “Do Your Part,” “Keep the Republic,” “Use it or Lose It,” “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”


But do we understand them? Do we BELIEVE them?


It is EIPCa’s goal in 2024, as in every year since our inception, to enable (and strongly encourage) more and more citizens to become active participants in the entire election process.


Knowledgeable Citizen Observers are enormously important to ensure that


  • each vote is lawfully cast and counted fairly, and


  • all procedures for voting and for processing ballots are in compliance with federal, state and local laws, statutes and regulations.


Since 2012, EIPCa has formally trained over 20,000 citizen Observers not only to protect their own vote but to activate their legal right and “civic duty” to observe every step of the electoral process armed with the knowledge of what to look for and what steps to take if anomalies or irregularities arise.


Due to the extra heavy workload for EIPCa’s Leadership Team at this point in the progress of our ground-breaking federal lawsuit, EIPCa will NOT recruit and train new Observers for the 2024 election season.


We WILL refresh and update the training for our 2020-2023 veteran Observers and deploy them as always.


However, EVERYONE still has an important role to play

in election oversight.


This year we strive to mount a broad citizen education effort so that there will be no barrier to any concerned citizen’s ability to


  • observe with knowledge and confidence
  • contact an EIPCa HOTLINE when needed
  • reliably provide official and actionable feedback through the Citizen Incident Statement.


Your journey to meaningful involvement starts NOW.




  • Be sure you are signed up to receive EIPCa emails. (If you received this from Linda Paine, you’re good to go.)




  • Ensure that everyone you know is also signed up to receive these valuable voter education alerts. And forward them you know are concerned.


  • Let no one off the hook.




  • Read and study each article we send.
  • Absorb the knowledge.
  • Commit to using what you’ve learned to protect your own vote.
  • Commit to be an essential part of Keeping the Republic by participating in personal citizen oversight activities as directed in the articles.





It is our firm hope that each and every reader capable of doing so will choose to proudly act as a Citizen Observer


  • at the ballot processing centers as millions of envelope ballots are processed.
  • at the vote centers and polls.
  • at drop boxes.
  • at collection centers.


Prepare to be educated so you can do “a little more”.  


And please continue to support EIPCa as the lawsuit progresses.


pdf of article 

EIPCa is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax deductible.
Vote Safe and a Little More in 2024 Introduction     ©Election Integrity Project®California, Inc. copyrighted 2023