Vote Safe and a Little More in 2024
Part 8 - Election Day is Just the Beginning
Election Day is Tuesday, November 5.
At that point, it’s all over, right?
The majority of both in-person and vote by mail ballots
actually come in on Election Day.
- The in-person votes will be counted that night.
- All of the envelope ballots (vote by mail, provisional and conditional) will be dealt with starting the day after Election Day.
- Furthermore, mail-in ballots will continue to come in and be legally accepted for seven (7) additional days.
Processing of mail-in ballots and provisional ballots
continues until December 5 - one month later.
This 30-day period is the most essential for citizen oversight.
With such a large volume of ballots to process and a fixed finish line, action may be fast and furious at the processing centers. Many counties will have extended hours, late into the evening and on weekends.
The temptation to rush the job to finish on time will threaten the careful scrutiny every envelope and every California voter deserves.
The presence of Citizen Observers will make a difference.
If you have already been out there observing, THANK YOU!!
One trip to do so is likely to convince you of just how important you are. Continue to Observe as often as you can.
If you have not yet ventured forth - NOW is the time.
Each day between now and November 5th:
- More and more ballots will be going into drop boxes. Are you watching?
- More and more ballots are arriving by mail. Are you watching?
- Vote Centers are open. Are you watching?
- Ballot harvesters are hard at work, and some may behave unethically. Are you watching?
Each day between November 5th and December 5:
- Postmarks on mail-in ballots should be scrutinized (until November 12).
- Signatures will be verified.
- Envelopes will be opened, and ballots extracted.
- Ballots will be inspected.
- Ballots will be duplicated.
- Ballots will be digitally adjudicated.
EIPCa urges you to make a difference. Never doubt that even one observer can increase the integrity of the process, and the more time you give, the more difference you’ll make.
- Find a partner or interested group.
- Together, read or re-read all of the “Vote Safe and a Little more in 2024” articles.
- Together, make a schedule to go two-by-two to observe drop boxes, polling locations, ballot processing centers.
- Schedule in a social component (coffee, lunch…) to make it more enjoyable.
You will find a great sense of pride and renewal of purpose and power as an American citizen when you engage.
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EIPCa is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax deductible. Vote Safe and a Little More in 2024 Part 8
©Election Integrity Project®California, Inc. copyrighted 2023