Vote Safe and a Little More in 2024

Part 9 – Post Election Details



Tomorrow is the last day of voting - November 5, Election Day!


Here are some ways you can make a difference tomorrow, and in the weeks to follow as ballots are counted:


  1. Make sure you have


  1. Review the polling location procedures: 



  1. When and after you vote, plan to stick around a while as an official Citizen Observer.


A well-informed Observer may be able to ask just the right,

well-formed question to clarify things for everyone.


  1. Take time to visit some other polling locations in your area. You can be very valuable.


  1. Consider adopting one polling location at closing time.


  • Observe the closing procedures.
  • Follow the ballots to the Collection Center.
  • Watch for secure handoff and chain of custody.
  • Stay to watch other deliveries.


  1. Adopt a drop box in your area.


  • Be there before 8:00 p.m.
  • Document how and when the box is locked. No ballots should be allowed to enter the box after that time.
  • For more on drop box observation information, see Vote Safe Part 3.


  1. If you are a late-nighter, there is much to observe at the counting center as the ballots of the day arrive and the in-person votes are counted.


  1. Take a deep breath. Then commit to doing what you can to protect vote by mail and provisional ballots as they are processed.


From November 6 through December 5,

you are needed at the ballot processing centers.

  1. Review the two articles on ballot processing:



  1. Go as often as you can for the next 30 days to protect with your presence each and every ballot being processed.


  1. Stay in touch with EIPCa via Hotline as needed.


  1. Fill out and send in a Citizen Incident Statement for each issue you encounter.


Citizens involved in every aspect of the election process produce a healthy Republic.


Without citizen oversight, Republics are soon lost.


Freedom is only one generation away from extinction.


Let us not be that generation.

pdf of article 

EIPCa is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax deductible.
Vote Safe and a Little More in 2024 Part 9     ©Election Integrity Project®California, Inc. copyrighted 2024