Vote Safe and a Little More in 2024
Part 9 – Post Election Details
Tomorrow is the last day of voting - November 5, Election Day!
Here are some ways you can make a difference tomorrow, and in the weeks to follow as ballots are counted:
- Make sure you have
- Review the polling location procedures:
- When and after you vote, plan to stick around a while as an official Citizen Observer.
A well-informed Observer may be able to ask just the right,
well-formed question to clarify things for everyone.
- Take time to visit some other polling locations in your area. You can be very valuable.
- Consider adopting one polling location at closing time.
- Observe the closing procedures.
- Follow the ballots to the Collection Center.
- Watch for secure handoff and chain of custody.
- Stay to watch other deliveries.
- Adopt a drop box in your area.
- Be there before 8:00 p.m.
- Document how and when the box is locked. No ballots should be allowed to enter the box after that time.
- For more on drop box observation information, see Vote Safe Part 3.
- If you are a late-nighter, there is much to observe at the counting center as the ballots of the day arrive and the in-person votes are counted.
- Take a deep breath. Then commit to doing what you can to protect vote by mail and provisional ballots as they are processed.
From November 6 through December 5,
you are needed at the ballot processing centers.
- Review the two articles on ballot processing:
- Go as often as you can for the next 30 days to protect with your presence each and every ballot being processed.
- Stay in touch with EIPCa via Hotline as needed.
- Fill out and send in a Citizen Incident Statement for each issue you encounter.
Citizens involved in every aspect of the election process produce a healthy Republic.
Without citizen oversight, Republics are soon lost.
Freedom is only one generation away from extinction.
Let us not be that generation.
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EIPCa is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax deductible. Vote Safe and a Little More in 2024 Part 9
©Election Integrity Project®California, Inc. copyrighted 2024