California's 2020 Election Integrity Report Card: Other States Take Warning

by: Ruth Weiss, EIPCa  Director  of  Legislative  Oversight,

California's 2020 Election Integrity Report Card: Other States Take Warning

Santa Clarita, Calif. - Driven by concerns of a COVID resurgence, conversations about the 2020 election have centered around voting by mail as the obvious panacea.

A National Task Force of election integrity experts, of which Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa) is the only citizen organization participant, was formed to create standards for election security in a widespread vote by mail environment. Last week the Task Force published its report. It is brief and a must-read for all voters.

On three key principles for mail voting, California gets a solid F grade, and the jury is still out on the fourth. A best case scenario gives California a GPA of 0.5!

States dedicated to election integrity are incredulous at the reckless CA laws; others are taking notes on how to secure election manipulation opportunities using the smoke screen of COVID to justify the effort.