Call to Action for Californians!
The illusion of elections is not the same as fair and honest elections!
Until election laws can be exposed as counterproductive to fair and honest elections and erosive to election integrity, and public officials reverse such laws, how can citizens help remove suspicions and ensure integrity and security in the chain of custody?
One simple way is to become properly trained by local county election officers to become election season workers. Citizens can apply with the county to be a poll or Vote Center worker. Or, here in California, concerned citizens can volunteer to participate in serious citizen oversight with Election Integrity Project® California, Inc.

Today MARCH 31st is the last day to register to Help EIPCa FIGHT for Your Rights!
Everyone concerned over the questionable outcomes of any California election should spend time with Election Integrity Project® California, Inc. (EIPCa) to observe in the upcoming 2022 Primary Election. The deadline to sign up to volunteer with the county government varies from county to county.
The deadline to sign up to volunteer with EIPCa is March 31, 2022.
EIPCa has trained thousands of citizens across the state to witness and document election irregularities and malfeasance. Take action: Register to Observe with EIPCa for the 2022 Primary Election (scheduled for June 7th).
Sign up on the EIPCa website to get started!
You are needed in this campaign. Arm yourselves with knowledge - arm yourselves with the truth.
California's November 3, 2020 election was marred by significant voting and registration irregularities. In the 2021 Recall Election, over 3,550 irregularities in proper California voting procedures were witnessed and documented by EIPCa observers.
Election Integrity Project® California, Inc. analyzed the state's official voter list of February 9, 2021 and reported its findings to California's Secretary of State Shirley Weber on June 17, 2021. This followed EIPCa's April 30 and May 18, 2021 reports on cross-state voting. The Secretary has not responded to or acted on the findings.
California's election code requires officials to provide timely answers to citizens' questions.
Such as…
- Almost 124,000 more votes counted in California's November 3, 2020 election than voters recorded as voting in that election! – Why?
- More than 7,700 voters have TWO November 3, 2020 votes credited to their voting histories! – Why?
- California has 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible citizens! – Why?
The illusion of fair and honest elections will not ensure honest outcomes.
EIPCa encourages everyone to become involved in the election process beyond simply voting in person.
For specific information REGARDING WORKING IN THE ELECTIONS OFFICE OR IN THE POLLS, the Registrar of Voters website in each county should be consulted.
To get started with EIPCa, potential volunteers should go here:
( and follow the instruction steps.
"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph...."
Thomas Paine
EIPCa needs your help
Contribute Today to Help Save Our Elections